The FAA is about to issue an SFAR which will address the following:
Here are some of the rule’s impact on general aviation:
Effective January 1, 2020 you must present an aircraft that is equipped with ADS-B out, if your test wll take us into airspace that requires it (mode C arc, Class A, B and C.
Effective January 13, 2020 Knowledge applicants MUST provide an FAA FTN (FAA tracking number) to the written test proctor. Make sure they have one and know what it is, otherwise they cannot take the test. The good news is that the test report will be immediately available so you can take a practical test the same day. In addition, you will no longer have to show a embossed seal copy of your test report and you can reprint a copy of the results yourself. The areas that you missed on the test will be marked with ACS codes instead of the old PTS codes. Additional information is available from the FAA by clicking on this link
To schedule a Airman Knowledge Test please use this link: